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Space Jamanimation

Animation. Comedy. Sci-Fi. Fantasy. Kids Swackhammer, owner of the amusement park planet Moron Mountain is desperate get new attractions and he decides that the Looney Tune characters would be perfect. He sends his diminutive underlings to get them to him, whether Bugs Bunny & Co. want to go or not. Well armed for their size, Bugs Bunny is forced to trick them into agreeing to a competition to determine their freedom. Taking advantage of their puny and stubby legged foes, the ... [+]
Mamba Negra: favorite reviews of Space Jam
Validated reviews 1
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  • 01/25/2009
    Arte en estado puro. Excellent
    He insistido varias veces en lo embrutecedor y degradante del cine, un lenguaje que aspira a ser arte pero que, estando controlado por el populacho, no puede aspirar más que a bazofia. Sin embargo, ... Read full review
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