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Drama. Mystery. Romance. Thriller When Miranda Wells was invited to live with her dark and charming distant cousin Nicholas Van Ryan in order to school his daughter at Dragonwyyck manor she was a naive farm girl. As she watches the dark secrets of the house unfold, she becomes more aware of selfishness, desire, and insanity while becoming more involved with Nicholas. The closer Miranda grows to the community and the Van Ryan's, the more she wishes she had never come to Dragonwyck. [+]
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  • 04/9/2012
    A ver si nos centramos Interesting
    ElegantĂ­sima y muy glamurosa pelĂ­cula, como corresponde a una obra firmada por Mankiewicz (la primera que hizo el muchacho). Muy aconsejable para ver con la abuela para que alabe lo guapa que era Gene ... Read full review
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