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The Paradine Case

Mystery Keane (Gregory Peck) is a handsome, young lawyer who falls in love with a beautiful client named Paradine (Alida Valli), a woman accused of murdering her blind husband. Although he's convinced of her innocence, love may be clouding the barrister's judgment. The unsavory truth of the case is revealed during the course of a highly dramatic trial.
RandolphCarter: favorite reviews of The Paradine Case
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  • 09/13/2012
    Teología del Travelling Very good
    Cuando veo “El Proceso Paradine” nunca pienso en “Testigo de Cargo” –una comedia de misterio con la que apenas comparte escenario judicial- sino en “Rebeca” y “Vértigo”, también en “Atormentada”.Read full review
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