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Spain Spain · ciudadano del mundo (palencia)
kafka rating:
Drama Charles returns to Paris to reminisce about the life he led in Paris after it was liberated. He worked on "Stars and Stripes" when he met Marion and Helen. He would marry and be happy staying in Paris after his discharge and working for a news organization. He would try to write his great novel and that would come between Charlie, his wife and his daughter.
Language of the review:
  • es
May 17, 2008
9 of 17 users found this review helpful
Basada en la novela de Hemingway, es una de las peores películas de Brooks, por lo general un buen director y un mejor guionista incluso, que peca de un encorsetamiento total debido tanto al material literario del que procede como a las reglas y normas de la Metro. Aparte los actores principales no ayudan nada: acartonado y soso Johnson, chirriante Taylor (como casi siempre).
Bastante sosa y previsible, un film sin chispa.
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