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Kids vs. Aliens

Kids vs. Aliens

Directed by Jason Eisener

When Gary and Samantha's parents head out of town, an all-time rager of a teen house party turns to terror when aliens attack, forcing the siblings to band together to survive the night.

Two siblings must band together to survive an alien attack.

Cast: Dominic Mariche, Phoebe Rex, Calem MacDonald, Asher Grayson Percival, Ben Tector, Emma Vickers, Isaiah Fortune, Jonathan Torrens

Member Reviews

It’s stupid, it’s cheesy, it’s low budget…but it’s a hell of a lot of fun.

2 weeks ago


2 weeks ago

Well this was a delight. Got me there with Jack. I'd say the VHS segment this is based on is far better but that being said, this is a fun film.

3 weeks ago

Kinda fun

4 weeks ago

I would have said this is more geared for kids. Except for the fact that every other word out of the kid actors' mouths is the F word.

1 month ago