Morris: A Life With Bells On
'Morris: A Life With Bells On' follows the fortunes of avant-garde folk dancer, Derecq Twist and his team in their struggle to modernise the folk dance. In doing so, they antagonise 'The Morris Circle' (the sinister governing body of Morris dance in England) led by the formidable Quentin Neeley (Derek Jacobi) and his enforcer, Endeavour (Ian Hart). Derecq is forced to flee England for California where he falls in love for the first time with Sonja (Naomie Harris). But is Sonja’s love enough to keep Derecq in America? Can he really face a life without Morris dancing? Or will the lack of real cider in the States finally push him over the edge...?
Starring Charles Thomas Oldham, Dominique Pinon, Sophie Thompson
Director Lucy Akhurst