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Dreamin' Wild

Drama Musical duo Donnie and Joe Emerson spend everything they have to produce a record in the 1970s.
Media Author Review
United Kingdom
"The film’s meander through this touching true-life story has a quiet charm (...)There’s so much dramatic material to work with here, and a solid cast to deliver it – one dominated by Casey Affleck’s intense take" 
United States
Time Out
"A folky music-filled indie that’s full of hope and a soul-enriching sense of revival (...) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
The Playlist
"Pohlad’s film is a harmonious composition that blends an impressionistic style with humanistic storytelling. [It] amounts to more than just a rejoinder to stale music biopic conventions" 
United States
The Wrap
"Gentle but weary musical biopic (...) it can’t find its rhythm despite an intriguing true story" 
United States
"There is a gentle loveliness to Pohlad’s filmmaking, everything from sun-swept Eastern Washington State vistas to teenage parties to live performances, but the heartwarming gradually overheat (...) Fantastic acting" 
United States
"'Dreamin' Wild' suffers from the occasional corny moment, and some of the dialogue is too direct, tending to spell out what ought to be implied. But Mr. Affleck easily holds the film together with another captivating performance" 
United States
"Pohlad’s film has a beguiling, oneiric quality. It is a rich and evocative portrait of the weight of broken dreams and the strength one can find in a family as unwaveringly supportive as the Emersons (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of 4)" 
United States
Chicago Sun-Times
"Casey Affleck does strong work as Donnie Emerson (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of 4)" 
Screen Rant
"[It] can’t live up to its own expectations (...) Rating: ★★½ (out of 5)" 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"A story of musical ambition that hits a lot of the right notes" 
United States
"It is easy to see why indie director Bill Pohlad would read that story and want to turn it into a film. Pohlad spent years getting to know and evidently love the Emersons" 
United States
The Film Stage
"When all is said and done, 'Dreamin' Wild' is a kind film about kindness. While comforting in some respects, it lacks a certain amount of punch" 
United States
Los Angeles Times
"A well-cast, modestly affecting drama" 
The Globe and Mail
"Is it enough for a feature-length film? Probably not, which is why writer-director Pohlad piled on the melodrama and leaned into clichés" 
United States
"The elegantly underplayed performances ensure that the film never succumbs to melodrama (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of 4)" 
United States
The New York Observer
"A lot of talented people give it their all, in a film that is both thoughtful and rewarding. I liked it a lot (...) Rating: ★★★½ (out of 4)" 
United States
The New York Times
"A thoughtful meditation on music, creativity and what it really means for talent to be 'overlooked'" 
United States
"'Dreamin' Wild' is sufficiently sincere and embedded in musical nerdery to make it work" 
United States
A drama that forgoes the usual music biopic story arc for a story more sensitive to the afterimages that last in our minds, sometimes for decades after the music has stopped 
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