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The Last Word

Comedy Harriett is a retired businesswoman who tries to control everything around her. When she decides to write her own obituary, a young journalist takes up the task of finding out the truth resulting in a life-altering friendship.
Author Review
United StatesUnited States
The Hollywood Reporter
The Hollywood Reporter
"[A] predictable comedy about an unapologetic old white curmudgeon (...) [that drafts] Shirley MacLaine to keep audiences in her barbed corner while we wait for her inevitable bittersweet humanization."  NEU
United StatesUnited States
"[It] is an eager assemblage of quasi-fake setups and two-stroke characters."  NEG
United KingdomUnited Kingdom
"Offering predictably heartfelt messages about seizing the day, 'The Last Word' can be very sweet and funny, but its lightness starts to feel cloying rather than ebullient."  NEU
United StatesUnited States
The New York Times
The New York Times
"A sweet-and-sour dramatic comedy that would be unbearable without [Shirley MacLaine]"  NEU
United StatesUnited States
Entertainment Weekly
Entertainment Weekly
"MacLaine (...) is shoehorned into playing a character that’s not just a tenth as dimensional and complex than Aurora Greenway (from Terms) or Doris Mann (from Postcards). Harriet’s also a disposable bore next to MacLaine herself"  NEG
United StatesUnited States
New York Daily News
New York Daily News
"An idiotic, DOA waste of Shirley MacLaine's talent"  NEG
United StatesUnited States
"The movie progresses pretty precisely along the lines its premise suggests (...) It goes out of its way to hit 'beats' that it presumes will be satisfying to a mainstream audience (…) Rating: ★★ (out of 4)"  NEU
United StatesUnited States
Seattle Times
Seattle Times
"The film is a misuse of the Oscar-winning star’s talent and a waste of our time. But she does it with flair (…) Rating: ★★ (out of 4)"  NEU
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