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Drama A political and contemporary fable, “Capernaum” centers around a child who rebels against the life he’s been imposed and launches a lawsuit.
Author Review
United StatesUnited States
"A cathartic but manipulative film (...) It’s the kind of film calculated to make audiences feel good about human rights"  NEU
United StatesUnited States
"It tackles its subject with intelligence and heart (...) Labaki does a superb job capturing the cacophony of the streets (...) 'Capernaum' is notably more sophisticated than Labaki’s previous work"  POS
United StatesUnited States
The Hollywood Reporter
The Hollywood Reporter
"Labaki lures such outstanding performances out of the almost entirely non-professional cast and sketches such a credible view of this wretchedly poor milieu that the flaws are mostly forgivable"  POS
United StatesUnited States
The Wrap
The Wrap
"In a kind of filmmaking miracle (...) the barely one-year-old Bankole delivers a full-on performance (...) Labaki throws everything (...) on screen in a bid to melt hearts and win world-cinema acclaim"  NEU
United StatesUnited States
"Every emotion is negated by another, until we’re left with nothing but the mess we were presented from the start"  NEG
United KingdomUnited Kingdom
"A film as grounded in a place and time and yet as universal in its empathy with the dispossessed as 'Bicycle Thieves' or 'Salaam Bombay!'"  POS
United StatesUnited States
The New York Times
The New York Times
"Naturalism meets melodrama in this harrowing, hectic tale of a lost boy’s adventures in the slums and shantytowns of Beirut."  POS
United KingdomUnited Kingdom
The Guardian
The Guardian
"It’s a simplistic film in some ways, with a naive ending – but there is energy and vigour, too (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)"  NEU
United KingdomUnited Kingdom
"The result is a film that already feels like a landmark (…) Rating: ★★★★★ (out of 5)"  POS
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