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Comedy Michigan 1963, business rivals Kellogg's and Post compete to create a cake that could change breakfast forever. A tale of ambition, betrayal, sugar, and angry bad milkmen.
Media Author Review
United States
AV Club
"Loaded with his famous friends, [this film] is fitfully funny, depending on who's on screen" 
United States
"Jerry Seinfeld’s Painfully Stale Pop-Tarts Comedy Never Heats Up (...) [It] is long on cameos and short on laughs" 
United States
"It is the perfect recipe for a breezy and delightful nostalgic trip of a movie" 
United States
"By most standards, [it] is not what you'd call a 'good' movie. And yet... I laughed. A lot" 
United Kingdom
The Guardian
"The history of how the all-American breakfast snack was created is served up with lashings of goofiness in this comedy caper (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
Paste Magazine
"Disappointing and bland, just like an unfrosted Pop-Tart" 
United States
The Daily Beast
"It’s content to be childishly silly rather than legitimately weird, veering between gags concerning age-old products and Jan. 6 with a mildness that keeps things pleasantly pedestrian" 
United Kingdom
"Seinfeld's affable mugging is no compensation for putting us through a glorified pitch session anyone sane would have nipped in the bud (...) Rating: ★ (out of 5)" 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"[It] takes the origin-story template, wrings it dry of emotion, mixes basic facts with goofy fiction and serves up a bit of toasted history about the search for a 'fruit-filled pastry dingus'" 
United States
"Nearly empty experience, 'Unfrosted: The Pop-Tarts Story' is hard to describe because it's tough to tell what the filmmakers were going for, much less argue about whether they achieved it (...) Rating: ½ (out of 4)" 
United Kingdom
Radio Times
"The film is entertainingly silly and absurd. Unfortunately, the story is almost entirely fictional, and does a disservice to the real creators of the sugary snack (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
Screen Rant
"Lacking style and substance, Jerry Seinfeld’s comedy provides few lackluster laughs (...) Rating: ★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"Apologies in advance: 'Unfrosted' flails fruitlessly" 
United States
Chicago Sun-Times
"If there was a thing called the IMDB Witness Protection Program whereby you could get your name taken off the credits of a particular project, this would be that project (...) Rating: ★ (out of 4)" 
United States
"Seinfeld lacks the deft directorial hand to effectively skewer cinematic depictions of the space race, the Cold War, and organized crime, and the script (...) hardly serves enough memorably zany material to its cavalcade of comic all-stars for them to make a balanced meal of" 
United States
The New York Times
"A full-fledged, fully ridiculous feature comedy targeted to the audience’s sweet-and-salty dopamine receptors" 
United States
"Unhinged in all the wrong ways" 
"[It] ends up like actual Pop-Tarts as a novelty you can enjoy when you remember they exist but never something you will actively seek" 
United States
The Wrap
"It’s hard to get mad at a movie as insipid as 'Unfrosted,' but 'Unfrosted' makes it possible. It’s a few funny jokes sprinkled across a giant, flavorless crust" 
United Kingdom
"If Pop-Tarts are barely a breakfast, [it] is barely a movie —but it's sprinkled with solid gags, stuffed with super-silly guest appearances, and lovingly glazed in sweet '60s trappings (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"Maybe it shouldn't be surprising that the man who created a 'show about nothing' has also made a movie that feels as hollow as a Froot Loop" 
United States
"A comedy that uses the breakfast wars as the jumping-off point for a high-camp exercise in nostalgic lunacy." 
United States
Chicago Reader
"This film is so eager to please that it ends with a song and dance number AND bloopers; mileage will vary on whether that frosts your flakes" 
United States
Rolling Stone
"It's impossible to assemble this much comedic talent and not get a bullseye occasionally, yet the hit-to-miss ratio favors the latter way too much" 
United States
"This film distinctly feels like a punchline in search of a movie, built on a soggy parade of sugary cameos that doesn’t provide much snap, crackle and pop" 
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