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Awkwafina Is Nora from Queens (TV Series)

TV Series. Comedy 10 episodes. With help from her dad and grandmother, Nora Lum navigates young adulthood in Flushing, New York with her cousin.

Author Review
United StatesUnited States
The Hollywood Reporter
The Hollywood Reporter
"A strong vehicle for a versatile talent (...) Extremely likable and frequently funny"  POS
United StatesUnited States
TV Guide
TV Guide
"Being a grown-up in today's world is hard. Fortunately, Comedy Central knows how to make it funny, too (…) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 5)"  POS
United StatesUnited States
"[While Awkwafina] is genuinely good on this show (...) it’s hard not to feel, a bit, like we are watching something more invested in mythmaking than in entertainment."  NEU
United StatesUnited States
"The real pleasure of 'Nora From Queens' is in how elegantly it avoids the traps so many other TV shows about immigrant families fall into"  POS
United StatesUnited States
Rolling Stone
Rolling Stone
"Enough works in this season to make it feel like a smart next phase in Awkwafina’s acting career (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)"  POS
United StatesUnited States
New York Post
New York Post
"The mystery is why Awkwafina and series co-creator Teresa Hsaio thought Nora would make an entertaining central character (...) [It] is only fitfully amusing."  NEU
Now Toronto
Now Toronto
"It’s off to a good start (...) Awkwafina is up for almost any premise, and it’s fun to watch her barrel through one situation after another"  POS
United KingdomUnited Kingdom
The Guardian
The Guardian
"The thinness of the show’s plot thus puts a hefty burden on the shoulders of Awkwafina as the show’s star (...) But the wattage of her presence paradoxically highlights the show’s conceptual weakness (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)"  NEU
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