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Mystery Brandon and Philip are two young men who share a New York apartment. They consider themselves intellectually superior to their friend David Kentley and as a consequence decide to murder him. Together they strangle David with a rope and placing the body in an old chest, they proceed to hold a small party. The guests include David's father, his fiancée Janet and their old schoolteacher Rupert from whom they mistakenly took their ideas. As ... [+]
Author Review
United KingdomUnited Kingdom
The Guardian
The Guardian
"A master of suspense, Hitchcock delights in toying with his audience, repelling and luring his viewers into the scene of a crime – and nowhere more audaciously than in 'Rope'"  POS
United StatesUnited States
"Alfred Hitchcock called 'Rope' an 'experiment that didn’t work out' (...) He was correct that it didn’t work out, but 'Rope' remains one of the most interesting experiments (…) Rating: ★★ (out of 4)"  NEU
United StatesUnited States
The New York Times
The New York Times
"The method is neither effective nor does it appear that it could be (...) The picture takes on a dull tone as it goes"  NEG
United StatesUnited States
"The opening camera setup (...) shows not just the director’s awareness of the small space separating life and death, but also how much of it he is allowed to show (…) Rating: ★★★½ (out of 4)"  POS
United KingdomUnited Kingdom
Time Out
Time Out
"What is interesting is the way Hitchcock's sly amorality forces us, through the suspense, to side with the killers (...) A perverse, provocative entertainment."  POS
United StatesUnited States
AV Club
AV Club
"It has its moments, often derived from his experimental technique (...) Despite the staginess and the technical experiments, the movie remains unnervingly plausible."  POS
United StatesUnited States Variety "Hitchcock could have chosen a more entertaining subject with which to use the arresting camera and staging technique displayed in 'Rope'."  NEU
United StatesUnited States
"'Rope' remains one of my favorites (...) There’s something about two queens killing for kicks that has always struck my fancy."  POS
United KingdomUnited Kingdom
The Independent
The Independent
"'Rope' is an incredibly audacious film for a big-name director working with major stars (...) One of the more intriguing gems in the Hitchcock canon"  POS
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