The Hollywood Reporter
Inheritance (2025)
Prime Target (TV Series) (2025)Publish Date: January 20, 2025"[It] serves up basically competent if unmemorable action and raises worthwhile if not exactly novel debates."
Back in Action (2025)Publish Date: January 15, 2025"The movie won’t carve a spot in the classic action-comedy canon, but it’s easily digested fun, which is no bad thing"
One of Them Days (2025)Publish Date: January 14, 2025"Many of the best scenes punctuate social analysis with ribbing humor (...) A hilarious ride"
Shifting Gears (TV Series) (2025)Publish Date: January 7, 2025"Capable stars, mediocre vehicle"
The Pitt (TV Series) (2025)
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