Jordan Mintzer
Papa (2024)Publish Date: October 30, 2024"Well-crafted and intriguing, if not always emotionally involving"
Bring Them Down (2024)Publish Date: September 7, 2024"Two terrific actors, but a taxing sit"
Of Dogs and Men (2024)Publish Date: September 5, 2024"It strives hard to do what the writer George Eliot once said all art should do, which is to extend our sympathies"
The Quiet Son (2024)
King Ivory (2024)
Battlefield (2024)Publish Date: August 31, 2024"The film raises some interesting and altogether timely questions, but never builds into a powerful drama."
Three Friends (2024)Publish Date: August 29, 2024"[A] well-directed if clichéd tale of love, marriage and adultery"
Apocalypse in the Tropics (2024)Publish Date: August 28, 2024"A must-see for anyone interested in the intersection of politics and religion"
Slingshot (2024)Publish Date: August 26, 2024"A B-grade thriller that’s been elevated by a good cast and a script with some clever moves"
The Killer (2024)Publish Date: August 22, 2024"John Woo’s remake offers Omar Sy and new twists, but lacks the poetry of his original"
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