Alone We Fight
- Original title
- Alone We Fight
- Year
- 2018
- Running time
- 91 min.
- Country
United States
- Director
- Screenwriter
- Cast
- Sage Anthony
- Corbin Bernsen
- Anthony Bowman
- Aidan Bristow
- T.J. Brossard
- Dennis Cater
- Kate Conway
- Adam Elliott Davis
- Lara Thomas Ducey
- Airisa Durand
- Chuck Ellis
- Lee Ellis
- Joe Ford
- See all credits
- Music
- Cinematography
- Producer
Wandering Dragon Productions. Distributor: Vega Baby!- Genre
- War | II World War
- Synopsis
- Facing mounting odds, a small but determined band of American soldiers venture into dangerous enemy territory on a mission to stop an advancing German unit from breaking through the Allied line.
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