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The Darjeeling Limited

Comedy. Drama Francis, Peter and Jack are three brothers who have drifted apart with the years and they don't even speak to each other. Their father's death brings them together again and that reunion brings about the need to bond again. It is then when Francis, the eldest brother, proposes a train journey through India as a spiritual pilgrimage. They will travel on the Darjeeling Limited, a railway line which crosses the country from one end to the ... [+]
Joan: favorite reviews of The Darjeeling Limited
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  • 08/17/2009
    Encuentros Great
    Yo es que soy una persona muy superficial y me pensaba que la gracia de viajar era ver cosas bonitas que estaban lejos de casa, pero poco a poco, a lo largo de profundas conversaciones en los andenes ... Read full review
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