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Drama The swindled is a film about con artists. This story’s only truth is that everything can be a lie. Ernesto has only done one thing in his whole life, to cheat. He knows the tricks of cheating from an old con artist called El Manco (manco is someone who only has one hand). He gets Ernesto in touch with a man he considers to be the best con ever, Federico, an elegant, clever and methodical swindler. Life couldn’t go better until Pilar, ... [+]
Atu_verita: favorite reviews of Swindled
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  • 12/21/2009
    Giros y regiros Good
    No sabía si ponerle un 3 o un 9, y al final le doy un 7'5 aunque ahí ponga 8. Y es que después de todas las vueltas que da la película uno acaba mareado y sin saber bien si acaba de ver una gran y ... Read full review
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    Lauren Bacall, ombre et lumière
    Pierre-Henry Salfati