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Adventure. Romance. Fantasy A haunting adventure fantasy about a pair of cursed lovers who are transformed into animal shapes during alternate periods of the day. It all begins when the thief Philippe Gaston (Matthew Broderick) makes a remarkable escape from the dungeons of Aquila. He is rescued from pursuing soldiers by the sombre knight Etienne Navarre who takes him on as equerry. In his travels with Navarre (Rutger Hauer), Philippe puzzles over the beautiful ... [+]
RandolphCarter: favorite reviews of Ladyhawke
Validated reviews 1
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  • 03/21/2012
    Composición de imágenes Good
    La ciencia del encuadre, la destreza para la composición de los planos cinematográficos. A partir de los setenta, más o menos, comienza la confusión y la concepción que se tiene de la composición de ... Read full review
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