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Talk to Her

Drama. Romance The curtain of salmon colored roses and heavy gold fringing which covers the stage is pulled back to reveal a Pina Bausch spectacle, Café Müller. Among the spectators, two men are sitting together by chance. They don't know each other. They are Benigno (a young nurse) and Marco (a writer in his early forties). On the stage, filled with wooden chairs and tables, two women, their eyes closed and their arms extended, are moving to the ... [+]
El_Chacal_Beat: favorite reviews of Talk to Her
Validated reviews 2
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  • 04/29/2014
    ARTE Excellent
    Mientras “Hable con ella” siga convocando mis lágrimas sabré que mi alma no ha envejecido.

    Creo que pocas, muy pocas películas, articulan de manera tan clarividente la diferencia y a la ... Read full review
  • 04/29/2014
    Y Almodovar hablo de los hombres.... Excellent
    (Texto escrito en teclado americano, sin acentos ni nh)

    Obra sentidisima, magistral en el desarrollo de la historia, humana. Almodovar presenta la fragilidad del hombre normal de un modo ... Read full review
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