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Strange Voyage

Mystery. Drama Paquita and her brother Venancio, both single and childish, live in a small town near Madrid. Their bossy eldest sister Ignacia, also an old maid, dominates them. One night, Paquita hears her sister tell somebody about her intention to sell all the family wealth. Once the money is gathered, she wishes to travel to Paris with the mysterious person and get rid of her brother and sister. Terrified, Paquita and Venancio confront their ... [+]
Quim Casals: favorite reviews of Strange Voyage
Validated reviews 2
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  • 02/19/2013
    Un cadáver exquisito Very good
    “De todas las historias de la Historia / sin duda la más triste es la de España, / porque termina mal.” (Jaime Gil de Biedma)

    En la posguerra, después de la sangría del 14-18, la ... Read full review
  • 02/18/2013
    TERROR DOBLE Very good
    "El extraño viaje" se mueve con soltura entre varios géneros, y esto es parte de su modernidad.
    Los pasajes de terror, en el interior siniestro de la casa, son góticos, de manual: ... Read full review
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