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Western. Drama. Thriller Set in New Mexico around the turn of the century and told in flashback, the film tells the story of Jeb (Mitchum) whose entire family was slaughtered when he was a young boy. The vision haunts him into adulthood, but the rest of his childhood is forgotten. When the killers discover that Jeb was the only family member to survive, they vow to kill him too...
Luis Guillermo Cardona: favorite reviews of Pursued
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  • 10/4/2022
    Spellbound low cost. Average
    180/40(24/05/23) Decepcionante mezcla entre el western y el melodrama con ínfulas freudianas, quedándose a medio camino de la nada en su devenir caótico y desorientador, goteando en su metraje un ... Read full review
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