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Rocky Balboa

Drama. Action In “ROCKY BALBOA”, the former heavyweight champion steps out of retirement and back into the ring, pitting himself against a new rival in a dramatically different era. After a virtual boxing match declares Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) the victor over current champion Mason “The Line” Dixon, the legendary fighter’s passion and spirit are reignited. But when his desire to fight in small, regional competitions is trumped by promoters ... [+]
flayjunior18: favorite reviews of Rocky Balboa
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  • 05/7/2015
    Un boxeador boxea Excellent
    Sylvester Stallone, nominado al oscar al mejor guión por "Rocky" y también como mejor actor, dotó al mundo del boxeo de una imagen más positiva de la que, hasta el momento, siempre ha tenido ... Read full review
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