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16 Blocks (Sixteen Blocks)

Thriller. Action Bruce Willis plays Jack Mosley, a burnt-out detective assigned the unenviable task of transporting a fast-talking convict (Mos Def) from jail to a courthouse 16 blocks away. However, along the way he learns that the man is supposed to testify against Mosley's colleagues, and the entire NYPD wants him dead. Mosley must choose between loyalty to his colleagues and protecting the witness, and never has such a short distance seemed so long... [+]
Ángel: favorite reviews of 16 Blocks (Sixteen Blocks)
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  • 02/9/2010
    Pasable y ya está Decent
    Así es, Bruce Willis nos demuestra una película muy floja en la que el argumento es muy bueno, pero las actuaciones son muy pésimas (exceptuando la de Willis, que es un fenomeno), solo que no me gusta ... Read full review
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