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Drama For as long as they can remember, the Solé family has spent every summer picking the peaches in their orchard in Alcarràs, a small village in Spain’s Catalonia region. But this year’s crop may well be their last, as they face eviction. The new plans for the land, which include cutting down the peach trees and installing solar panels, cause a rift in this large, tight-knit family. For the first time, they face an uncertain future and ... [+]
Alberto M Laguía: favorite reviews of Alcarràs
Validated reviews 1
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  • 05/12/2022
    Clara Simón afianza su estilo Very good
    Hemos visto la imagen centenares de veces. Agricultores lanzando toneladas de fruta ante grandes cadenas de distribución para denunciar que pierden dinero con las cantidades ridículas que reciben a ... Read full review
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