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Digimon Adventuretv seriesanimation

Digimon Adventure (TV Series)
1999 Japan
TV Series. Animation. Comedy. Adventure. Fantasy TV Series (1999-2000). 54 Episodes. An animated series based on the popular children's toy "Digimon", in which kids raise and train electronic monsters to fight against those raised by other kids. The show follows the adventures of a team of real monster trainers as they travel about honing the skills of their monsters and facing challenges from rival trainers, some of whom don't feel obliged to fight fair.
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  • 06/22/2009
    Que vuelvan los dibus de siempre Bad
    ¿Dónde quedaron los dibujos de toda la vida en los que al ver a un personaje podías distinguir que era?

    Heidi: niña
    Amedio: mono
    Maya: abeja
    Mochilo: platano
    Read full review
    by: Gelen
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