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Touch of Evil

Film noir. Mystery An unseen man sets the timer on an explosive device. The clock starts ticking down as soon as he stashes it in the boot of a fancy-looking car. Immediately afterwards, a well-heeled businessman motors off with his cheap-looking girlfriend. Through the tawdry streets they roll, until they pass by Mexican lawman Ramon "Mike" Vargas (Charlton Heston) and his new wife Susan (Janet Leigh). As the newly-weds cross over the border, into the ... [+]
JORDI: favorite reviews of Touch of Evil
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  • 02/4/2009
    La huella del diablo Great
    Gran film de cine negro, una de las realizaciones más acreditadas de Orson Welles. Éste interviene como director, guionista y actor. El guión se basa en la novela "Badge of Devil" (1956), de ... Read full review
    by: Miquel
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