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Girl, Interrupted

Drama Susanna is rushed to the hospital. Afterwards she discusses this with a psychiatrist. She had been having some delusions. She had also been having an affair with the husband of her parents' friend. The doctor suggests that combining a bottle of aspirin and a bottle of vodka was a suicide attempt. This she denies. He recommends a short period of rest at Claymoore. Claymoore is a private mental hospital full of noisy, crazy people. ... [+]
Ferhood: favorite reviews of Girl, Interrupted
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  • 08/10/2013
    Un don Good
    Confieso que me apasionan las historias en las que los protagonistas no están del todo en sus cabales. Quizás es porque pienso que todos tenemos algo de locos, una faceta que nos permite percibir el ... Read full review
    by: Yerai
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