
Becca's Bunch

In Wagtail Woods one little bird, Becca, and her Bunch of friends, are ever ready for adventure. Becca, a happy bobble hat wearing bird sees adventure in every situation and as a result often bites off more than she can chew; landing herself and her Bunch in some sticky situations.

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Episodes Season 1

  • 1. Beddy, Set, Go

    Pedro decides to have a nap, rather than race Casper and Jasper, so Becca turns Pedro’s bed into a go-kart, because they couldn’t be a winning team without him.

  • 2. Mayor for a Day

    Becca volunteers to be Mayor for the Day, she answers everyone’s requests with a “yes,” creating havoc in Wagtail Woods, before she finally learns the value of saying "no".

  • 3. Rockin' the Wood

    When the opening act of the biggest concert of the year, Woodrock, drops out, Becca’s Bunch offer to play, but they have no lead singer - until they discover Pedro’s inner rockstar.

  • 4. Mail Mayhem

    After Sylvia accidentally knocks a letter out of MJ’s delivery bag, Becca and the Bunch decide to do a good turn and deliver the letter themselves, but they just have to catch it first.

  • 5. Party Party

    Becca commits to helping out at two parties but when she can’t be two places at once, she brings the two parties together.

  • 6. Tree Talk

    A mysterious noise alerts the Bunch that the biggest and oldest tree in Wagtail Woods is at risk of drying up and falling over, so Becca and the Bunch unite their fellow Wagtailers to save Big Wood.

  • 7. Junior Lifeguard

    On Junior Lifeguard Day, Casper and Jasper want to be first to earn a Junior Lifeguard Certificate. But Becca and the Bunch follow Steven Se’Gull’s training to keep the beach, and Casper and Jasper, safe.

  • 8. Tent Trouble

    Becca, the Bunch and Pops forget to bring a tent on their Wagtail Ranger camping trip to the top of Pointy Peak and so they use their creativity to solve the problem.

  • 9. Acorn King

    When the Bunch find an old map, they try to track down the secret cave of the Acorn King. With Casper and Jasper on their heels, the Bunch must overcome all the obstacles on the hunt to discover the Acorn King’s lost treasure.

  • 10. Woodness Book of Wagtail Records

    Becca’s Bunch set out to break the Woodness Book of Wagrail Records for the biggest sand sculpture ever built, but when Casper and Jasper lose the challenge, Becca comes up with an idea to include everyone.

  • 11. Wagtastic Four

    Pops inspires Becca and the Bunch to play at being superheroes and they create their own Super Bunch. But when Barry, Beatrice and the Hares get stuck in a tree, the Bunch have to find the hero inside for real.

  • 12. Rock-A-Bye-Bunnies

    Lola’s bunnies stay over at the Bird House and Becca offers to put the bunnies to bed. However, the Bunch find getting the seven bunnies and Benny and Shelly to sleep is a nightmare.

  • 13. Wow Me Wagtail

    Becca plans to wow the talent show judges with a spectacular ballet troupe, including the Bunch, the Bunnies and Ringo, but she realises Ringo needs to dance to his own tune.

  • 14. Wishing Stone

    Becca leads the Bunch on a quest to find the Wishing Stone, so Pedro can fulfil his ultimate wish - to be brave.

  • 15. Cute Lil' Bug

    Becca wants a pet, and volunteers to mind Ringo’s bug, Sue. However, looking after Sue proves to be a challenge when she changes in ways that none of the Bunch expected.

  • 16. Eye of the Beholder

    When Mayor Ladymaus asks Wagtailers to make artwork to celebrate how much they love Wagtail Woods, Becca worries her picture is too small, but she has created a tiny masterpiece.

  • 17. Legendary Gill

    Becca remembers the Bunch’s unbelievable adventure when they set out to prove that Legendary Gill, the giant fish in Wagtail Lake, is real.

  • 18. Benny & Shelly's Big Day Out

    Moms and Pops promise the Bunch a treat for picking up Benny and Shelly from a playdate, but Becca and the Bunch lose track of the twins on the way home, and the twins are fast.

  • 19. Happy Pal'n'Times Day

    The Bunch discover Ringo plans to spend Pal ’n’ Times day by himself because Sue is away, and they set about finding him the perfect companion, but Becca realises only Sue will do and with Moms help, brings Sue home.

  • 20. Their Song

    John Wolfenstein and Mr Nugget have an on-air argument and go AWOL. Becca and the Bunch fill in as temporary DJs, and realize that they need to reunite the old friends and get them back on the air.

  • 21. Robobuck

    Buck is going on vacation and leaves a robot to take care of his chores. When it gets commandeered by Beatrice, it’s up to Becca’s Bunch to get Robobuck back under control.

  • 22. Helper Badge

    Becca and the Bunch are disheartened when they fail to earn their Happy Helper Day badges - until they find Gill, who needs cleaning. But Gill is the biggest fish in Wagtail and the Bunch are very small.

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