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The Crazies



  • Daimajin

    1966 • Japan • Directed by Kimiyoshi Yasuda

    As the earth tremors beneath their feet, rumors of an ancient god called the Majin that lies beneath the rock abound amongst the peasant denizens of a small mountain village community ruled over by the benevolent feudal lord Handabusa (Ryūzо̄ Shimada)....

  • Death Curse of Tartu

    1968 • United States • Directed by William Grefé

    Made in Florida in the mid-1960's, Death Curse of Tartu tells the story of a group of young people who venture into the everglades to party. However by going there they disturb the burial ground of Tartu, a witch doctor who has been dead for 400 y...

  • Deep Red

    From Dario Argento, maestro of the macabre and the man behind some the greatest excursions in Italian horror (Suspiria, The Bird with the Crystal Plumage), comes Deep Red - arguably the ultimate giallo movie. One night, musician Marcus Daly (David Hemmings, Blow Up), looking up from the street be...