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White Nights

Romance. Drama Luchino Visconti's utterly gorgeous 1957 picture, adapted from the Dostoyevsky story, is a rich, visually stunning masterpiece from the acclaimed filmmaker. "Le Notti Bianche" stars Marcello Mastroianni (in an early role) as a lonely stranger who comes upon a seemingly sad woman (Maria Schell) and is instantly taken with her. Although she isn't instantly hooked, the two keep connecting while she waits for her lover's promised return and ... [+]
Vivoleyendo: favorite reviews of White Nights
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  • 03/18/2011
    Los amantes del Ponte Cinecittà Good
    Primera adaptación de "Las noches blancas" de Fedor Dostoievski a la gran pantalla. Las noches cortas de San Petersburgo, cercanas al solsticio de verano a las que hace referencia el título, ... Read full review
  • 09/20/2010
    Noches de nieve Very good
    Realizado por Luchino Visconti, el film se basa en la novela del mismo título (1848) de Fedor Dostoyevski. Se rueda en plató al aire libre montado en Cinecittà (Roma). Gana el León de plata de ... Read full review
    by: Miquel
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