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Jmusic23 rating:
Sci-Fi. Drama. Thriller A satire on entertainment shows and our insatiable thirst for distraction set in a sarcastic version of a future reality. In this world, everyone must cycle on Bike machines (literally, "getting on their bikes", a common British idiom) within a facility of touchscreen cells in order to power their surroundings and generate currency for themselves called Merits. Everyone is dressed in a grey tracksuit and has a "doppel", a virtual avatar ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
September 14, 2023
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Episodio digno de la mejor versión de Black Mirror, con todos los ingredientes para disfrutar de una hora de cine de verdad. Como es habitual en los filmes de Brooker, una vez acabado el episodio, te quedas pensando y absorto en los pensamientos y emociones que transmite la película, algo admirable y a la vez alucinante.
SPOILER ALERT: The rest of this review may contain important storyline details. View all
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