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KIM KI DUK 2 rating:
Comedy. Drama In 1977, Robert Pujol runs his umbrella factory with an iron hand. At home, he treats his wife Suzanne and their children in the same despotic manner as his unfortunate employees. After a strike, Suzanne finds herself having to manage the factory alone and proves that she is better suited for the job than her husband. When Robert returns after a rest cure, life for the Pujols suddenly becomes very complicated...
Language of the review:
  • es
March 25, 2011
2 of 17 users found this review helpful
El guión me ha mantenido fijamente atento durante toda la proyección. No me he distraidoen ningún momento.
Lo único que encuentro que no me ha acabado de gustar es que el director no acaba de ser progresista, no se pone suficientemente del lado de los trabajadores explotados por los empresarios. El trasfondo de crítica social es leve.
Los diálogos son brillantes.
Las estrellas como la Deneuve o Depardieu hacen no creibles los personajes.
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